Friday, October 14, 2011

AQAA Vendor Fair pics

Our booth at the AQAA (Atlanta Quality Assurance Association) booth was quite a success... Running demo of RealMobileTM on QuickTest Professional was hot. Some pics:

And here is a close-up of the demo testing automatically iPhone and Android at the same time:

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Meet us at AQAA Vendro Fair!

Meet us at AQAA Vendor Fair: October 11, 2011, Atlanta, GA, USA. We will be demonstrating our unique method for automating tests fro mobile devices, RealMobileTM. Go to for directions.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New YouTube video: Test Automation for Barcode Scanning

There is a common myth that the tests for printing, barcode scanning, and other operations involving hardware cannot be automated. Wrong! Our method for automating tests for mobile devices, RealMobileTM, allows for automating a variety of functionalities of mobile device apps, including printing and scanning.

Watch how we can do it at